
생명공학 분야 최고의 파트너, 라온바이오(주)



규격 마리
제조사 Janvier Labs

제품 상세정보

Origin: Zentralinstitut für Versuchstierzucht (Hannover) - 1988 (F172) 

Strain name: BALB/cJRj 

Type : Inbred mouse 

Colour and related genotype: Albino mouse 

Breeding: Difficult to rea

The strain was selected by MacDowell from a stock of outbred albino mice then transferred to Snell (The Jackson Laboratory) at F26 in 1935. The “c” was added to the strain name by Dr Snell to indicate that the genotype for the colour locus is c/c, hence the name BALB/c. 1935: From Dr Snell to Drs Heston and Andervont (NIH), separation of the BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ strains at the F38 generation, when some of Dr Snell’s BALB/cSn mice were transferred to Drs Andervont and Heston. 1974: Breeders were transferred to the Production Department of The Jackson Laboratory at F136 and the J was added. BALB/cJRj can suffer from ulcerative blepharitis and periocular abscesses. They can also present with hydrocephalus and malocclusion.