
생명공학 분야 최고의 파트너, 라온바이오(주)



규격 마리
제조사 Janvier Labs

제품 상세정보

Origin: CSAL (Orléans) - 1992 (F172) 

Strain name: BALB/cByJRj 

Type : Inbred mouse 

Colour and related genotype: Albino mouse 

Breeding: Good breeder with better performances than BALB/cJRj mice. Aggressive mice.

This strain was selected by MacDOWELL from an albino outbred stock and then sent to Dr SNELL (The Jackson Laboratory) in 1935 (generation F26). The “c” was added by Dr SNELL to indicate that the genotype at the colour locus was c/c (albinism). In 1935, Dr SNELL sent breeders to Drs HESTON an ANDERVONT at the NIH. Dr ANDERVONT’s substrain was incorporated into NIH main colonies in 1951. In 1961, Dr Bailey started breeding NIH BALB/c mice at the University of California (San Francisco, USA). When he moved to The Jackson Laboratory in 1967, he brought the strain (BALB/cBy) with him. In 1974 some of the breeding stock was transferred to the Production Department of The Jackson Laboratory and the J designation was added :BALB/cByJ. This colony is similar to the NIH one, especially as regards ascites production. The BALB/cByJRj mice can show ulcerative blepharitis and periorbital abscesses. They can also present with hydrocephalus and malocclusion